Friday, February 27, 2009

I feel naked

I borrowed the camera 3 weeks ago and have walked to work every day since with it in my hand (you never know when you will see something picture worthy). Joel borrowed it yesterday to take to Donna Gartenmann's award ceremony (a very good cause) and so I didn't have it with me on my way in.

I knew when I left the house this morning that because I did not have the camera I would see something that I wanted to photograph. And I did. As I walked past the Walrus on 11th and Walnut I happened to look in the window and saw something cool and gross. There was a huge pile of garbage on the floor. I guess the cleaning crew just pushes everything into the center of the room and picks up/throws out from there. I know it doesn't really sound that interesting, but you should have seen the size of this pile! It was Thursday night (college night) they were cleaning up after, so I guess it makes sense, but it was enormous. You will just have to believe me, since I couldn't document it.

When I got here today Joel returned the camera to me and I returned it to the gadgets cabinet. I think 3 weeks was enough this time around, though I do feel bereft, naked, like I have forgotten something important, like pants. I guess I am just going to have to put Digital camera on my wish list, for that day when I come into a ton of money...Or I could just wait a respectable amount of time and take the library camera out for a spin again.

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